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Table 3 Summary of social interactions, key characteristics, and examples

From: An activity theory perspective of how scenario-based simulations support learning: a descriptive analysis

Social interaction category

Key characteristics

Exemplar utterance

Diagnostic questioning

Interactions in which the student participant sought specific information from the patient, and/or their support person(s) to formulate a diagnosis, or assess the impact of a therapy

“How is your pain right now?”; “When was the last time you went to the bathroom?”

Education and counseling

Interactions in which the student participants tried to, a) prepare the patient for a future action, b) provide the patient or support person(s) with assessment findings, or c) instances where students explicitly provided patients with information about self-care.

“I’m going to take some vitals and check things out. OK?”; “I’m feeling that your uterus is hard and its shrunk down under your belly button which is great, that’s what we’re looking for right now.”; “You’ll probably get a little more cramping when you’re nursing.”

Social and emotional support

Interactions including statements intended to give reassurance, empathy, or encouragement. These interactions were directed to the patient or their support person(s).

“Yeah, those are both really natural questions to be wondering.”; “I know this is painful, but you can do this OK.”

Situational management

Interactions including statements where student participants sought to manage or direct patient care actions, such as seeking help or giving direction to peers assigned other roles. These interactions were directed towards peers or other healthcare professional roles.

“Hi, can I have nursery come in here?”; “I need some help in here.”; “I need someone to give ah…do massage and someone to get a straight cath.”