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Table 3 Code descriptions and examples

From: Perspectives of engagement in distance debriefings



Example excerpt

BEFORE: That which occurs prior to the distance debriefing


Applying a structure provided beforehand

She used the Pearl Debriefing [Method]

Communication Medium

Comfort with technology, comfort and experience with online debriefing

I have become comfortable with online debriefing

Curricular Development

Group demographics, number of facilitators, number of learners, use of tools, and platform

Medical students.

Discipline Standards

Standard used to design or facilitate

Yes, it was a debriefing guide

Educational Context

Debriefing or conversational training undertaken

Yes, as part of my nursing course

Faculty Development & Training

Previous training undertaken

We did the difficult debriefing courses

Familiarity with participants

If they were/weren’t familiar with one another prior to the debriefing

Sometimes people would just say okay I don’t really know you let’s just go through and introduce ourselves


Introduction, guidelines and online etiquette

I think it’s really helpful to set ground rules

Simulation influence

How the simulation influenced the level of engagement

When things were slightly more challenging or new that would encourage additional conversation.

Psychological safety

Establishing a safe climate to engage in critical discourse

I would say that just saying like everyone’s trying their best I know everyone wants to make this a better.

DURING: That which occurs during to the distance debriefing

Cognitive presence

Engagement with content

More people jump in when they’re like “Oh, I felt that way too.”

Educational experience

The contribution of the experience to learning

It is about the technology. You’re waiting for your turn to talk.

Hybrid comparison

Differences in a hybrid setting with learners onsite and distant

The people that are on site in person, I feel like are always going to get that preferential treatment.

Learner environment

Surroundings of the distant participant

My cat will jump around me during sessions.


Preoccupation with your appearance on video

I think that can show that you’re paying attention to what you look like in the camera.

Social Presence

Engagement with participants & educator

Little reactions on zoom … helps to show that you’re being listened to, somebody cares what you’re saying.

Teaching & Learning Presence

Engagement with goals and directions

Asking critical questions and putting you know that knowledge in a different context.


Body language, expressions and other nonverbal behaviors

When people are leaning forward in their camera more versus like sitting, all the way back in a chair

AFTER: The engagement outcomes of the debriefing

Disengaged Outcomes

Influences causing disengagement

If the debrief or asked like closed ended questions I feel like people didn’t engage as much.

Engaged Outcomes

Influences creating engagement

Being engaged encouraged engagement

STANDALONE CODES: Additional codes to elicit needed information


The geographic location of the participant

Toronto, Canada


The age range of the participant

Sure. I’m 30

Definition of engagement

How the participant defines engagement

I would say, like in an in-person, setting…you’re making eye contact with the group members, your face is direct. You don’t have like your head down. You’re not looking away.