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Table 1 Categories, indicators and illustrative quotations for cognitive presence

From: Community of Inquiry framework to evaluate an online obstetric and neonatal emergency simulation workshop for health professional students in India



Example quotation

Triggering event


1. “This was my first online workshop. I found this very new and interesting. Initially I felt that live is much more effective but at the end of the workshop, I found I had learned many new skills” M71

2. “The online experience was very new, but it was a good way to gain experience” N34

Sense of puzzlement

3. “I have not started clinical practice, so I don’t have much experience. This was my first time learning how to resuscitate a newborn. When the baby was delivered and needed resuscitation, I was looking for signals that the right procedure was being done.” N34


4. “It felt like a real labour room” M28

5. “The visual representation leaves a better memory and will help my future practice” N82


Information exchange

6. “Interprofessional exchange of thoughts and information occurred on a common emergency situation in labour ward.” M30

Learning different strategies

7. “The doctors and nurses checked repeatedly if the patient’s condition was improving. They used a wide range of problem-solving approaches to manage the condition” N24

Establishing common goals

8. “Whether it is medical or nursing, we can’t achieve the goals without all team members knowledge of the goal” M41

9. “It was helpful to see an ideal system where nurses and doctors all worked together towards a common goal” N27

Using all available resources

10. “We have seen how to use whatever we have available in our hospital. And to get help from all staff” M26

11. “I will check what resources I have wherever I work. This will help me manage complex situations better” N10


Connecting ideas

12. “We come to know about different solutions to the same problem and use a wide range of approaches. Multiple thoughts and queries can be exchanged which widens our minds to different ideas.” M21

Team connection

13. “Teamwork is the key to any emergency. The team members worked collaboratively in the emergency” M32

14. “The team worked together, did everything in the right sequence. They helped each other with the tasks” N51

15. “Division of work is an important aspect while managing a patient. But the team has to stay connected while doing this” N30

Connecting with the leader

16. “Every team member was completely aware of his job. They were willing to listen to the leader and respond to their requests” M47

17. “The leader assigned the task, and everyone did their allocated task” N2


Apply new ideas

18. “Only when we know what is normal can we recognise when things are not normal. After this workshop, I realised the importance of knowing normal first” M29

19. “I learned a lot of new skills that I will be able to use in practice” N73

Learning to re-evaluate

20. “When a particular approach did not work, I saw the team pause and review what they should do next” M32

21. “The paediatric doctor checked baby’s heart rate and breathing many times. This helped him decide what to do next” N14

Learner becomes the educator

22. “This will help me for future quality of patient care. It has improved my knowledge and I can use this to teach others.” M3

23. “I am a student nurse now but when I am senior, I can use what I have learned today to teach my juniors” N87