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Table 4 Sick leave before and after in situ simulation training program

From: Using simulation-based training during hospital relocation: a controlled intervention study


All participants

Intervention group

Control group


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Difference in mean score when comparing groups: % (CI)c

n = 940

n = 802

n = 138


Rate of absence % (first time period)a

3.7 (7.9)

3.8 (7.8)

3.1 (7.1)

0.7 (− 0.7 ; 2.1)

Rate of absence % (second time period)b

5.8 (11.9)

6.0 (12.2)

4.7 (10.1)

1.3 (− 0.9; 3.4)#


Mean (CI)

Mean (CI)

Mean (CI)

Difference in mean score when comparing groups over time: % (CI)c

Change in absence over time: % (CI)d

2.1 (1.2; 2.9)*

2.2 (1.2; 3.1)*

1.6 (− 0.6 ; 3.8)

0.5 (− 3.0; 1.9)e

  1. Rate of absence in percentage devided in intervention and control group
  2. Note a Time period: January, 2018 till October, 2018
  3. bJanuary, 2019 till October, 2019
  4. cUnpaired sample t test
  5. dPaired sample t test
  6. eDifference in mean score in the intervention group and the control group over time
  7. *Indicates a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) (based on unpaired sample t test)
  8. #Indicates a statistically significant difference (Wilcoxon rank sum test) in medians between independent groups (p < 0.005)