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Table 1 Comparison of skills and knowledge of Filipino nurses before in-person HBB training

From: Effect of repeat refresher courses on neonatal resuscitation skill decay: an experimental comparative study of in-person and video-based simulation training



p-value for difference between groups, pre-training*

Time to initiate BMV, seconds, mean (SD)

103 (10)

0.89 (n = 4)

Successful BMV, n (%)

0 (0)


Knowledge examination score, mean (SD)

12.5 (2.1)


Knowledge examination pass rate, n (%)

20 (40.8)


Practical examination score, mean (SD)

3.29 (1.8)


Practical examination pass rate, n (%)

0 (0)


  1.  HBB Helping Babies Breathe, BMV Bag-mask ventilation, NA Not applicable, SD Standard deviation
  2. *Difference between groups: analysis of variance; knowledge examination pass rate: Fisher's exact test. Proportions of successful BMV and practical examination pass rates were unable to be calculated given a denominator of zero. Of note, at initial assessment, only 4 participants were able to appropraitely ventilatre, but all well past the acceptable 60s mark