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Table 4 Domain 3—Principles and planning

From: Recommendations for embedding simulation in health services




Principles and planning

Foundational principles

Define the foundational principles that will guide simulation activities—these should align with best available evidence and with the vision, mission and values statements that have been developed

Pillars of activity–internal structure of the service

Define the pillars of activity that will be coordinated by the Simulation Consultancy Service—these should align with best available evidence, the vision, mission and values statements and the unit’s foundational principles


Foster partnerships with individuals within the organisation who have simulation expertise and who will champion simulation activities amongst their peers

Partner with teams, units and professions throughout the organisation to develop simulation activities that meet their needs

Partner with experts beyond the organisation to build and share capacity and expertise

Identify priority programs of work

Work with the quality and safety unit, clinical educators, the executive team, clinical units and other teams to identify areas of clinical, technical and performance concern

Devise a plan for prioritising simulation activities throughout the organisation