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Table 1 Scenario overview with topic and learning focus

From: Comparing reflection levels between facilitator-led and student-led debriefing in simulation training for paramedic students



Child with septic shock

Assessment, decision making and management of child with septic shock.


Child with hypoglycaemia

Assessment, decision making and management of the child with hypoglycaemia.


Nursing home resident with complex needs

Scenario with frail, multi-morbid nursing home patient with uncertain end-of-life situation, and concomitant hypoglycaemia.


Frail geriatric patient refusing help after fall

Scenario with a frail and alcoholic patient with frequent falls. Uncertainty surrounding coping of activities of daily life and mental capacity.



Reduced level of consciousness in children

Scenario related to a child with a reduced level of consciousness. The focus should include assessment, management, and communication with parents.


Difficulty of breathing in children

Scenario related to a child with difficulty of breathing. The focus should include assessment, management, and communication with parents.


Vulnerable patient group

Scenario related to a vulnerable patient group. The focus could include practical, communicative, medical and/or ethical dilemmas.


Geriatric patient with complex needs

Focus could include frailty, polypharmacy, ethical dilemmas, cooperation with other health care professionals and/or triage to health- and social care service.