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Table 2 Effect of source of feedback on effective compression depth

From: Reducing the impact of intensive care unit mattress compressibility during CPR: a simulation-based study

Effective compression depth (mm)

Mean (95% confidence interval)

Source of feedback


Anterior sensor

Internal measure


Typical mattress only

37.8 (34.1, 41.5)

52.1 (50.1, 54.1)

14.3 (12.0, 16.5)

Typical mattress + backboard

42.9 (39.5, 46.3)

51.7 (49.8, 53.5)

8.7 (6.5, 11.0)

Memory foam mattress only

41.2 (37.9, 44.4)

54.2 (52.3, 56.1)

13.0 (10.7, 15.3)

Memory foam mattress + backboard

46.3 (43.2, 49.3)

53.7 (52.0, 55.5)

7.5 (5.2, 9.8)

  1. Presented are the mean adjusted values from a mixed effects linear model. Fixed effect: mattress type, CPR backboard use, feedback source, interaction between feedback source and mattress type, and interaction between feedback source and CPR backboard use. Random effect: intercept, mattress type, CPR backboard use, and feedback source. Goodness of fit: marginal R 2 = 0.43, conventional R 2 = 0.80